Install Wine On Macos

During your MathType trial period, you can do the same things as you can with a fully-registered copy of MathType. There are no restrictions or limitations other than the time limit of 30 days.There are 3 things you can do with an expired trial. Install Wine: sudo apt install wine64 wine32. Once the installation is complete, verify it by printing the wine version: wine -version. The current version of Wine available in the Ubuntu 20.04 repositories is 5.0. Wine-5.0 (Ubuntu 5.0-3ubuntu1) That’s it. Wine has been installed on your machine, and you can start using it.

A new macOS release is nearing release, and it's a big one. So big that this time it's really, completely and definitely not OS X any longer. With the death of Kexts looming and the transition away from Intel CPUs spelling disaster for Hackintoshers and multi-OS users alike, it's certainly an interesting time.

Oh, and rounded edges. So many rounded edges. Good golly.

Update 2020-11-13: For the specific steps required to get the Big Sur public release to work, I made a companion post that you can find right here.
Update 2020-11-11: This guide has been updated to support Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate 2 (Beta 3).

Today I'd like to walk you through how to get Big Sur installed and up and running in a virtual machine on your Ubuntu or similar host machine. In this article I'll focus on steps and commands that are tailored towards Ubuntu 20.04, but I'm sure you'll be able to tweak things a bit to tailor towards whatever flavor you're running to get things to work similarly.

Let's get to it.

As of this writing, Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate 2 (Beta 3) is the recent-most beta release. While the guide should remain useful for all subsequent releases as-well as the eventual full release, the fetch-macOS script might need updating for future beta releases and the eventual full release. Please check the relevant repositories for up-to-date information on this.

In this guide I'll assume you have already set up your host machine, including having set up QEMU, virt-manager, etc. As mentioned before, I'm focussing this guide on running Ubuntu 20.04 as the host OS.

No physical Mac needed

You do not need a physical Mac to download anything necessary to create this VM. We'll be using a few tools to fetch and extract the installer files needed right from your host machine.


Be sure to have Python installed. In my case I already had Python installed but I needed to install an extra package called python-is-python2 to get certain tools to work, but you might also want to make sure python2 is actually installed.

Build tools

We'll be building a few tools from source, so we'll need build tools installed for that. To be honest I already had most of these installed, so I am probably going to miss one or two in this list. If one of the build steps later on this guide fails, it'll tell you what's missing so you can install it at that point. Please let me know if I did actually miss anything here.

Other utilities

Also be sure to install these tools if you don't have them already:

What's happening: We'll need dmg2img to convert an image file, and while 7zip is optional, it's a great compression and decompression tool that I highly recommend you keep around as it's super convenient.

Both literally and figuratively. Most of the work has been done by the amazing people who have created and keep this repository up-to-date. There's a few minor tweaks we'll make to get Beta 3 to work, which at the time of this writing isn't yet working out of the box when relying on the original repo (I have submitted a PR for this). Hopefully this'll get added soon, but for now you can head over to my fork where I've already applied the fix needed to get Beta 3 to download. The main repo has since been updated and should automatically fetch the recent-most beta.

Go ahead and download the repo to your local machine.

Open up a Terminal and from the OSX-KVM repo you have just downloaded, and run:

You should see a bunch of things fly by and the tool will start downloading a relatively humongous InstallAssistant.pkg file, clocking in at 12GB.

Note: If you have issues at this step, it is possible an incomplete plist file has been downloaded, or perhaps a complete but now out-of-date version. The tool keeps using an already downloaded file if it exists, so if you get a warning about something related to XML parsing or you're not getting the version you expect, try deleting the files found in content/catalogs/other and running the tool again.

While this is downloading, let's set up a few additional things we'll need once the download is done.

Download & build XAR


Download the XAR repository here, and open another Terminal window/tab and head over to where you have downloaded this repository. Inside, run the following:

What's happening: We head into the xar sub-directory, run to generate the configure script, and then build the project with make. We're not installing the tool, so the results stay contained within this folder.

Download & build darling-dmg

Download the darling-dmg repository from here, and head on over to this directory in a Terminal window. Darling-dmg is a part of Darling, a sort of WINE for macOS software, which I didn't even know was a thing that existed until I was going through this process. Regardless, we don't need the entire Darling project, so that's why we're just pulling in darling-dmg.

If you already have Darling installed on your system, you can skip this step as you should already have darling-dmg available.

From the darling-dmg repository folder, run the following:

What's happening: We're just configuring and building darling-dmg here. We're not installing it, so the results stay contained within this folder. If the build fails, please check the results as this is probably due to a missing library. Simply look through the messages to find the library you're missing, apt install it, and try again.

By this point the download has hopefully finished, and you should have InstallAssistant.pkg sitting right there in your OSX-KVM folder. We'll have to take a few steps now to get to the actual installer image file, so let's do that now.

Make note where the XAR and darling-dmg folders are relative to your OSX-KVM folder, as we'll have to use these now.

Step 1: Extract InstallAssistant.pkg

Let's create a folder in which we'll extract all files to, to keep the repo from getting messy:

In a Terminal window opened to your OSX-KVM folder, let's now extract the PKG file:

What's happening: We're using the xar tool we build just before to extract the file by pointing to it relative to your OSX-KVM folder. The built tool should be at xar/src/xar within the folder where you have checked out the XAR repository. -x tells the tool you want to extract, and with -f filename you specify which file you want to extract from. Lastly, -C ./extracted tells it to extract the files to the specified folder we have created just previously.

After a bit, a few new files should have shown up inside the extracted folder, including SharedSupport.dmg.

Step 2: Mount SharedSupport.dmg

Now we'll use darwin-dmg to mount SharedSupport.dmg. In Terminal, run:

What's happening: We're creating a folder called tmp, which we'll use to mount the disk image to. We then use darling-dmg by referencing it from the folder we checked out its repository to, and specify we want to mount SharedSupport.dmg to the just-created tmp folder.

If this went well, you should see a few messages in your Terminal, and a newly mounted drive show up in your file manager called tmp. If you want to stick to using Terminal, you should also see these files when cd'ing into it; cd tmp && ls -la.

Step 3: Extract BaseSystem.dmg

With SharedSupport.dmg mounted, we need to extract BaseSystem.dmg, which is located inside a ZIP file. Using 7zip, run this from your OSX-KVM directory:

What's happening: We're extracting BaseSystem.dmg from a ZIP file found inside the SharedSupport.dmg image we have just before mounted to ./tmp. The ZIP file is located inside the com_apple_MobileAsset_MacSoftwareUpdate sub-directory, and BaseSystem.dmg is located in AssetData/Restore within that ZIP file. If you like, you can use your favorite file manager and archive tool to extract this directly too. The -o./extracted flag lets 7zip extract to the 'extracted' folder we have just before created, to keep our repository directory nice and clean.

Step 4: Convert BaseSystem.dmg

We'll now use the dmg2img tool to, as the name implies, convert the image to the img format, something that QEMU can actually work with. Simply run:

A moment or two later you should have the macOS Big Sur installation disk image ready to go. Exciting!

We're now done with both DMG files, so let's unmount SharedSupport.dmg and remove the tmp dir. You can now also delete both files if you like:

The OSX-KVM repository comes with a convenient shell script that you can use to easily launch the VM directly. This file has everything you need pre-configured, though the defaults are probably not ideal if you're planning to use this VM for anything more than just gazing upon it once or so. For example, only 3GB RAM is allocated to it, which is a tiny amount of course.

If you're just curious, or if you want to use this script to sort of jump-start the installation of macOS after which you'll move the disk image with Big Sur installed on it over to a more permanent VM configuration, this might be a handy starting point. Otherwise, you might want to skip ahead to the section on using virt-manager.

Method 1: For quick testing, momentary curiosity, or for use as a starting point

The script is called and assumes you're launching it from within the repo's directory, have BaseSystem.img ready to go, have a hard drive disk image created, and have the 'default' network adapter all set up and ready to go. We're two for four here, so let's go ahead and tackle those last two bits. First, let's create a disk image we'll install Big Sur onto:

What's happening: We're using the qemu-img tool to create a new disk image called mac_hdd_ng.img that's 128GB in size. Be sure to customize the size to your liking, in case you need more (or less) space.
Note: If you get a message saying you don't have qemu-img installed, you probably didn't install qemu-utils.

Next, let's set up some basic networking so this VM can actually boot up:

What's happening: We're basically setting up and configuring a bridge network connection which VMs can use to connect to the internet. For anything beyond quick testing you'll probably want to set up a more robust configuration or pass through an actual network adapter if you have multiple, but for now this should at least get you going.

Lastly, as we kept all prepared files in a subdirectory, we should modify the script to point to the right directory. While we're in there, we might as-well update the RAM allocation, unless 3GB is enough for your specific needs of course.

You can find the reference to $REPO_PATH/BaseSystem.img on line :52. Simply update it to read $REPO_PATH/extracted/BaseSystem.img and that should be it. If you have created the qemu hard drive image someplace else or used a different name, you can update that reference on line :53. Lastly, the amount of RAM the VM will use is specified on line :21 in the ALLOCATED_RAM variable. 8192 (8GiB) might be a good choice, or 16384 (16GiB) if you can spare it and are planning to do Mac/iOS development for example.

Now you should be able to boot up the VM for the first time! To start it, just run from a Terminal window, and a QEMU remote viewer screen should show up soon thereafter.

After a brief moment, a familiar screen will show up with a few options. Simply hit enter to boot the first option (called macOS Base System), which is the installation disk image.

Note: The OpenCore configuration included with this repository has verbose mode enabled, so you'll be seeing a lot of messages run by as the system (and the installer) boot up. This is normal and intended. You'll be able to modify the OpenCore configuration file to disable this should you want to, but that's outside the scope of this already rather lengthy article :).

From here you can proceed as you normally would. Before you start with the installation, be sure to launch into Disk Utility the first time so you can format the disk image.

Install Wine On Macos

After selecting and launching Disk Utility from the main menu, select Show All Devices from the sidebar options menu. Then, with the correct disk image selected (you can double check the capacity to make sure you're looking at the right drive), click Erase, name your drive and select your preferred options (Encrypted or not, Case-sensitive or not), and click Erase.

Note that in my case I was not able to actually start the Big Sur Beta installation on a drive that I formatted using the APFS Encrypted option. I am not sure if it was a limitation of the specific beta I was installing or something else. If you run into the same issue, try re-formatting the drive to non-Encrypted APFS. Your root drive should already be encrypted so it's probably not the end of the world, and I'm sure the non-beta version will certainly support encrypted drives again.

When you're done with that, click Done, close Disk Utility, and select Reinstall macOS from the main menu. From there you can follow the steps as you normally would.

Note: As you probably know, at one point during installation the VM will reboot. To let it continue with the installation, at the boot selection screen be sure to select the macOS Install option, as that's the as-of-yet incomplete installation of macOS on the hard drive.

After about an hour or so of you should be greeted with the welcome stuff, where you can set up your user account and whatnot. And after that, well, get ready for border radii to dazzle you with their roundedness.

At this point you should have a working macOS Big Sur VM. Congrats! But it might not be the most elegant of setups. You'll have to use to launch the VM every time, and you'll probably notice that macOS itself feels rather sluggish too. The latter is due to the lack of any form of hardware acceleration, something you can only really fix by passing through a graphics card. That topic and several more might be interesting as a follow-up articles, so if you'd like to see that, please let me know.

I hope this was useful for you and that this guide has helped you get to a working virtual machine. Enjoy, and happy coding!

Thank you.

MathType trial

What can I do with MathType during the 30-day trial?

During your MathType trial period, you can do the same things as you can with a fully-registered copy of MathType. There are no restrictions or limitations other than the time limit of 30 days.

What can I do after the 30-day trial expires?

There are 3 things you can do with an expired trial. One, you can view and print the equations. Two, you can copy them as LaTeX or MathML or a site-specific format (such as WordPress and many others). Three, if you're in Word you can convert the equation to a Word equation editor (OMML) equation. One thing you cannot do after your trial expires is create or edit equations.

What happens with MathType documents when my trial expires?

The equations in documents you create during the trial remain readable and unchanged after your trial expires. The only difference you'll notice is you'll no longer be able to make changes to these equations. With MathType the equations do require the MathType fonts to remain installed though, so take care not to remove any font with the name Euclid in it, nor the font MT Extra.

MathType licenses

Where do I find my license key?

Your license keys for MathType 7 are included in the email you receive after purchasing. You can always recover them from your personal area at MY WIRIS STORE.

If you need to recover licenses key for MathType 6 and previous versions please contact us.

What happens if my license expires?

If your MathType license expires you can re-activate it by purchasing a new product key from the Wiris Store. If you are looking for an educational or corporate subscription, please contact us

MathType 7 upgrade

The interface in the desktop application is different from other MathType applications.

MathType 7 comes with a new interface with a different icon organization and new features such as handwriting recognition. The new interface will be progressively available in all MathType applications. It is not currently available in MathType applications.

What is the relation between MathType and WIRIS EDITOR?

WIRIS EDITOR was rebranded as MathType in March 2018. MathType 7 is a merge of classical MathType, WIRIS EDITOR and new apps developed for Google and Office.

Does MathType 7 support Office 2016 for Mac?

Yes. With your subscription you can use MathType in Office 2016 for Mac desktop application. As an iPad user you may be interested to use the Office App for iPad.

I have MathType 7; how do I make sure I have the latest version?

MathType will check periodically for releases that are more recent than the version you have installed. It will let you choose to download and install now, to get more information about the update, or to cancel and upgrade at a later time. You can visit this section for more detailed information.


Will MathType run on my computer (system requirements)?

Install Wine On Macos Catalina

MathType's system requirements are not substantial:
  • RAM requirements are minimal
  • Mac: Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11) or later, including macOS Mojave (Version 10.14)
    MathType with macOS 10.15 Catalina and macOS 10.16 Big Sur beta: Please see our information page for using MathType with Catalina.
    MathType with macOS 10.11 El Capitan: If you are using MathType with Microsoft Office on El Capitan, please be aware that only MathType 7.0 and 7.1 will install the MathType commands (tab, menu, and toolbar) into Word and PowerPoint. If you have purchased MathType and need one of these earlier versions to use with El Capitan, please write and let us know.
  • Windows: Microsoft Windows 7, 8/8.1 (not Windows RT), and 10. MathType will run on Microsoft Surface Pro, Surface Pro 2, Surface 3, and Surface 3 Pro tablets. MathType will not run on Surface RT, Surface, and Surface 2 tablets. If in doubt, check the version of Windows your tablet is running. If it is running Windows RT, you cannot use MathType with it. If it is running Windows 10 or any of the other supported versions of Windows, MathType will work with it.
    • Virtual machines:MathType should run OK on VMs such as those created with VirtualBox, VMWare, Azure, and others.
    • Compatibility layers: We have run MathType successfully under Wine on Ubuntu, but our experience with MathType in this environment is very limited and we have not done any testing other than a proof of concept. Therefore we cannot make a recommendation for or against using MathType in such an environment. Neither can we provide technical support toward using MathType with Wine or other similar software such as CrossOver.

Which versions of Apple Pages, Keynote, and Numbers work with MathType?

MathType works well with Pages 6.0, Keynote 7.0, Numbers 4.0, and later, but not with earlier versions. Apple picked MathType as the equation editor to use with these applications. When MathType is installed, an Equation command appears on the Insert menu. Choosing this command will open MathType, so you can insert an equation into the document.

Which versions of Microsoft Office work with MathType?

    • MathType 7 works with Microsoft Office 2011¹ and later for Mac, including Office 365² and Word/PowerPoint 2019.
      Note 1: Microsoft ended support for Office 2011 in October 2017. While we'll try to help customers using MathType with this version of Office, we can't continue to support a product its developer has long ago quit supporting. We will not be releasing any updates to MathType to address issues with Office 2011.
      Note 2: If you are running Office 365, please note that MathType only supports Word versions 15.41 and later.
      Note 3: If you are using MathType with Office on macOS 10.11 El Capitan, please see our note above.
    • Earlier versions of MathType will work with Office 2008 and 2011 for Mac, but we are only able to provide limited technical support when using MathType with these versions of Office. Please consider upgrading to newer versions of Office to continue having the best experience.
    • Office 2007 and later for Windows, including Office 365 and Word/PowerPoint 2019.
      • Note: The MathType add-in for Word (available from the App Store) requires Word 2016 or later (including Office 365). The add-in will not appear in the App Store in earlier versions of Word.
    • Office RT: MathType equations cannot be edited in these Office versions but equations created in supported versions of Office will display and print.
  • Office for iPad:MathType Add-in for Office works on the iPad Office Apps.
  • Office 64- and 32-bit:MathType is compatible with both 64- and 32-bit versions of Office.

Which versions of Google Docs and Google Slides work with MathType?

  • MathType for Google works in all versions of Google Workspace, Google Docs and Slides in Windows, Mac, or Linux.
  • Google for iPad: Google Docs and Slides App for iPad does not support Add-ons. Hence MathType doesn't work on the iPad App.

Is MathType compatible from Windows to Mac and Mac to Windows?

Yes. MathType for Mac and Windows are fully compatible with each other, and Microsoft Word documents containing MathType equations can be easily shared between them.

Downloading and installing MathType

Can I install MathType on both my home and work computers?

Yes, if you purchase a single-user copy of MathType, you may install it on all of your computers (i.e., home and work), both Mac and Windows.

Can I download MathType again if I need to reinstall my software?

Yes. MathType downloads are available on our downloads page.

How do I install MathType?

Once you complete the purchase of MathType in our online store, you will be able to download the MathType software. Once that is complete, double-click the downloaded MathType installer file. On a Mac, this will open it in a separate window, so double-click 'MathType Installer…' within that window, to run the installer program. On Windows, after you double-click the downloaded MathType installer file, the installer will run. On both platforms, it will present simple instructions that will guide you through the installation process. You'll be using MathType in no time at all.

You will have an opportunity to enter your product key when you launch MathType the first time.

I just bought a new computer. Do I have to buy MathType again? If not, how do I install it on my new computer?

No, you do not need to buy MathType again. Just install MathType on your new computer using the same license key you received by email with your original purchase. You can always recover your license key from your personal area at My WIRIS Store.

MathType vs Equation Editor

Equation Editor (aka 'Microsoft Equation 3.0' and other names) was included with Microsoft Office and other products for many years. It is not included with Microsoft Office any longer, but you may still have it if you have not updated your copy of Microsoft Office or if you have other applications that include Equation Editor. Even if the software on your computer no longer includes Equation Editor, you or your colleagues may still have documents that contain equations created with Equation Editor. This section of FAQ should help.

Will others who don't use MathType be able to read or edit my equations?

You may want to send documents containing MathType equations to other people so they can view, print, or even edit them. In case they need to edit the equations, they should download and install our free MathType 30-day trial, and they will be able to edit your equations during the trial period. Once the trial is over, the MathType editor will not be available for editing equations. MathType's fonts will remain installed, so equations will still display and print.

Install Wine On Macos Mojave

Will I be able to edit Equation Editor equations with MathType?

Install Wine On Mac Os X

Yes, MathType can understand and edit Equation Editor equations in your existing documents. MathType cannot create equations in the old Equation Editor format.

General use FAQ

How do I type a space into an equation? Why does it beep when I hit the spacebar?

MathType automatically applies spacing according to the rules of mathematical typesetting as you type. This involves six different space widths, none of which is the width of a normal space. Since people are so accustomed to hitting the spacebar while typing, we disable it when you're typing math. However, MathType also has a Text style, allowing you to type a plain phrase or sentence in the middle of an equation, so naturally the spacebar works in Text style. If you find you always need additional space at certain places in routine expressions, such as after the comma in an ordered pair for example, we recommend rather than pressing the spacebar, change the spacing definitions. For more information, see Define Spacing Dialog.